
Local infrastructure - Computer and Webservices

  • Webmin Dashboard - Web config tool - Webmin on SecDell(local)
  • NetData Dashboard - Web System Monitor - Netdata on SecDell(local)
  • Wiki Mainpage - SecDell Knowledge Database - Wiki on SecDell(local)
  • MotionEye - Pi Doorcam - Doorcam on pi3(remote)
  • uptime timeline - timeline from wartung script - timeline on Secdell(local)
Network structure

simple network overview:
|-- SecDell (
|       `--  Wiki
|       `--  Webmin
|       `--  Netdata
|       `--  timeline.txt
|       `-- MotionEye
|-- Debwall
|       `-- TestSystm
|-- ...
|       `-- TestSystm
To Do

stuff that need to be done! at some point in the future!

but i don't know when!!!

To Do